Newegg Integration
Seamlessly integrate with Newegg for centralized order and inventory management
Sales orders from Newegg download automatically into Brightpearl, ready for you to process. Once the order has been dispatched, a shipping update containing tracking details is sent to Newegg, notifying your customer. Brightpearl also manages the products you have listed on the marketplace, along with their selling prices and inventory levels.
How the Brightpearl and Newegg integration works

Products created and updated in Brightpearl will be reflected in Newegg.

On hand inventory levels are synced with Newegg.

Sales orders
Orders download into Brightpearl, creating new or updating existing customers and automatically reserving inventory.

Shipping confirmations
Shipping confirmations are created in Newegg once an order is fully shipped in Brightpearl.
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