Lightspeed Retail X-Series

Link Lightspeed Retail X-Series with Brightpearl to sync business activity between your physical stores and your retail operations platform

Our Lightspeed Retail X-Series connector automatically syncs products, inventory, orders and more between your brick and mortar stores and Brightpearl.

The connector is a multi-outlet integration. Orders are sent from Lightspeed Retail X-Series to Brightpearl with inventory being marked as shipped against the relevant warehouse, keeping stock levels up-to-date. Brightpearl will manage products and prices as well as inventory adjustments, updating your Lightspeed outlets. Customers, sales orders, returns/exchanges and inventory counts in Lightspeed Retail X-Series will update Brightpearl. Purchase orders and inventory transfers created and received in either application will update the other.

Interested in exploring Lightspeed? Check out more here and explore our integration here.

How it works


Products created and updated in Brightpearl will be reflected in Lightspeed Retail X-Series .

Sales orders

New sales orders download into Brightpearl and are immediately marked as shipped. Order payments are also downloaded.


When customer information is captured in Lightspeed Retail X-Series , a customer account will be created in Brightpearl once their order is complete.

Returns and exchanges

Sales credits are created automatically in Brightpearl when a return or exchange is processed in Lightspeed Retail X-Series.

Purchase orders and goods in

Purchase orders created in either application will update the other, as well receiving inventory against an order.

Inventory transfers and goods in

Inventory transfers created in either application will update the other, as well receiving inventory against a transfer

Inventory adjustments

Inventory adjustments recorded in Brightpearl will create an adjustment in the mapped Lightspeed Retail X-Series outlet

Inventory counts

Inventory counts completed in Lightspeed Retail X-Series will update the inventory levels in the mapped warehouse in Brightpearl

Lightspeed Retail X-Series

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