
Key Features to Look for in Demand Planning Software

Small retailer

As a small-to-mid-size retailer with a growing eCommerce platform, you’re likely facing increasing challenges in managing your inventory and meeting customer demand as the retail landscape evolves. Demand planning software can be a game-changer for your business, helping you optimize your operations and stay ahead of the competition for future growth and stability. 

Below, we’ll explore demand planning and why you need it, as well as the core functionalities and benefits of demand planning software and the key features you should look for when choosing your first inventory management solution.

What is demand planning?

Demand planning is a critical supply chain management process that revolves around forecasting future customer demand for products or services. Demand planning aims to strike a balance between having enough inventory to meet consumer demand and avoiding excess stock that ties up capital and takes up warehouse space. For retailers, effective demand planning is essential for maintaining customer satisfaction, optimizing inventory levels, and maximizing profitability. 

Demand planning software is a specialized tool designed to support and enhance the forecasting process. It uses advanced algorithms, data analysis, and forecasting techniques to predict future demand more accurately than manual methods. This software typically integrates various data sources, including historical sales data, market trends, and external factors, to generate comprehensive demand forecasts. It also often includes features for inventory optimization, supply chain management, and collaborative planning.

The core functionalities of demand planning software

As your business grows, relying on spreadsheets and manual processes for your demand planning and inventory becomes increasingly challenging and error-prone. This is where demand planning software comes into play, as it functions using sophisticated tools and algorithms that streamline and improve your forecasting and inventory management process. 

Demand planning software typically includes several core functionalities designed to help businesses make more accurate predictions and better-informed decisions in minutes, such as:

  • Data integration and analysis: The software collects and analyzes data from various sources, including historical sales data, market trends, and external factors that may influence demand.
  • Forecasting algorithms: Advanced statistical models and machine learning algorithms generate demand forecasts based on historical data and other relevant factors.
  • Inventory optimization: The software helps determine optimal inventory levels to meet projected demand while minimizing carrying costs.
  • Collaborative planning: Many solutions offer features that facilitate communication and coordination between departments and stakeholders involved in the demand planning process.
  • Reporting and visualization: Comprehensive reporting tools and intuitive dashboards help users understand trends, identify potential issues, and make data-driven decisions.

Reporting and analytics

The benefits of demand planning software

Implementing demand planning software comes with several benefits for growing retail business. The most common benefits of using demand planning software include:

Improved forecast accuracy

The advanced algorithms used in demand planning software utilize multiple data points to significantly improve your demand forecasts’ accuracy. This leads to better inventory management and mitigates stockouts and overstock situations. The result? Optimized inventory levels that ensure customer demand is consistently met with reduced carrying costs.

Increased efficiency through automation

With demand planning software, the entire demand planning process becomes automated. This can free up your and your team’s time, allowing your growing business to focus on more important tasks that drive further growth.

Enhanced customer satisfaction

Demand planning software that increases efficiency can also enhance customer satisfaction by ensuring you have the right products available when your customers want them. By ensuring demand is met and stockouts are reduced (or eliminated completely), you’re ensuring that your customer base remains loyal, leading to repeat business and increased sales.

Better decision making

Demand planning software provides access to real-time data and analytics. This allows you to make quicker and more informed business decisions about inventory, promotions, product assortments, etc, to ensure future growth and stability.

Potential for greater ROI

The potential for greater ROI comes with improved forecasting efficiency and accuracy and will vary based on your specific demand planning software implementation. However, most organizations reap the benefits of reduced inventory costs, improved cash flow, and increased sales thanks to consistent product availability and lower operational costs, which leads to a greater ROI.   

Better forecasting

Key features to look for in your first demand planning software

When selecting your first demand planning software, there are many features to consider. The most important features will allow for highly accurate demand forecasts, reliable supply chain analytics, operational efficiency, effective budgeting, predictive analysis, and more. When it comes to the demand planning software for your growing retail business, these are the features you’ll want to keep in mind:

  • Reliable and accurate demand forecasting: Look for software that offers multiple forecasting methods, seasonal adjustment capabilities, event-based forecasting, and forecast accuracy tracking. These features allow you to generate more accurate predictions by accounting for various factors influencing demand patterns. Brightpearl can provide you with reliable demand forecasting for all of your products, from seasonal to slow-moving, even during unpredictable times. 
  • Smarter inventory management: You want features like safety stock calculation, reorder point optimization, ABC analysis, and multi-location support. Brightpearl will help you maintain optimal stock levels across your business, reducing carrying costs while ensuring product availability—in just a few clicks. It also offers easy and reliable forecasting for all your inventory locations and automated inventory flagging for items that aren’t selling fast enough, so you’ll know which items to liquidate to free up cash tied up in inventory that’s just sitting around.
  • Collaborative planning: Look for role-based access, comment and annotation features, and workflow management capabilities to facilitate team coordination. Collaborative tools enable smoother communication between departments, leading to more accurate and actionable demand plans. Brightpearl allows your departments to effectively access workflows and critical KPIs, analytics, and other data for faster, more collaborative decision-making that drives your retail business forward.
  • Reporting and analytics: For data-driven decision-making, it’s always recommended to look for software with customizable dashboards, what-if analysis tools, and exception reporting. Robust analytics capabilities allow you to gain deeper insights into your demand patterns and make more informed business decisions. Brightpearl’s multi-channel inventory and order management, product and sales performance analysis, and accounting features work seamlessly to provide you with actionable insights that will make a huge difference in how you manage your inventory and supply chain. 
  • Integration capabilities: Prioritize solutions that offer ERP integration, e-commerce platform integration, and API availability for seamless data flow. Strong integration features ensure that your demand planning software works effortlessly with your existing systems, providing a unified view of your business data. Brightpearl’s Plug & Play feature allows you to instantly access a range of apps, tools, marketplaces, 3PL, shipping carriers, payment, and accounting platforms within minutes.
  • Scalability: Opt for a solution that can handle increasing data volumes and regular updates to support your business growth. Scalable software ensures that your demand planning solution can evolve alongside your business, accommodating increased complexity and data as you expand. Brightpearl understands that modern retail businesses require modern, scalable solutions, which is why our platform was designed with hyper-scale capabilities that grow with you—not against you! 

Not all demand planning software is created equally. Brightpearl offers a complete Retail Operating System (ROS) specifically designed for fast-growing e-commerce businesses. From game-changing insights to plug-and-play capabilities, our multi-channel platform is here to help you stay ahead of the ever-changing retail landscape. Book a free demo today and see how Brightpearl will change how you manage your inventory and eCommerce business.