Descartes Peoplevox

Elevate your order and warehouse operations with Brighpearl and Descartes Peoplevox, together.

Empower your retail operations with seamless efficiency through the integrated power of Brightpearl and Descartes Peoplevox. Streamline inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics with synchronized data insights, ensuring superior customer experiences and operational excellence at every step of your operational workflow.

How it works


New products and changes will be sent to Peoplevox

Purchase orders

POs created in Brightpearl will be sent to Peoplevox

Sales orders

Goods out notes for SOs will be sent to Peoplevox

Inventory transfers

Goods out notes for transfers will be sent to Peoplevox

Goods in

Goods received at Peoplevox will update relevant PO or inventory transfer in Brightpearl

Shipment updates

Goods shipped will update goods out note in Brightpearl for relevant sales order or transfer


Returns received at Peoplevox will be sent to Brightpearl or vice versa (Blind vs RMA)

Stock sync

Stock levels will be adjusted to align with stock levels at Peoplevox

Descartes Peoplevox

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